Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Exciting news! I really am running again! I didn't really post about this earlier because right after I started, I got a cold that has decided to linger past the Thanksgiving weekend. I've done several interval runs. It's great to actually run, not plod. Between my numerous lunges, calve raises and stretches, this is a great energizing activity. I'm hoping to have this jumpstart a better workout routine during the holidays.

I haven't been feeling the digital photo bug, so I'm woefully behind on spinning, knitting, cooking and exercising photos. I've been ordered to get back on my road bike for short rides, so hopefully this will spurn on some photos. It's just so dark here (besides the time I'm cooped up in my office). I think I need to make a light box.

Okay, off to drowsily celebrate D finishing his model and presentation for studio. He still has two more big assignments for the term, but this was the big one. After being awake for 36 hours, I'm not sure how much celebration we'll be doing. Probably a beer, dinner and falling asleep to our Netflix selection.

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